Greece, Spain, Italy.... The Winter's, the Sight's, & the FOOD!!!

Touching the Acropolis in Athens, Greece
The Food in Greece, not my cup of tea!! I was most definitely not fond of the food in Greece and found it rather hard to eat, not my type of food at all.
Carnival, in Rome Italy
The Delicious pizza in Italy, I could eat for DAYS!!!  Italy has the most amazing food, no matter where I went, it was always delicious!

Getting ready to go to the Gothic Center in BCN
       Without fail the food in Barcelona is AMAZING. Barcelona is my utmost favorite place in Europe, and home of one of the Picasso Museums, the food is great and the city is even better                   
Oh how I love Europe, I especially love the winter. Most people tend to travel during the HOT, SUMMER months, but for me who lives in hot-ass Central America, why would I ever want to travel during Summer. I choose to travel during the Winter Months so that I can experience my Europe when its nice and cold.