Have you ever had writers block, painters block, any kind of block. Often time we artists go through that, a state of mind that is just a blur, blank, empty. And it almost always seems that Writers Block 'strikes' when we need our creativity the most. I feel as if I am about to explode with writers block. In four months my Art exhibit, IMPULSE, and the launching of my second book, ARTIST CONFESSIONS, is taking place and I feel as if I may not be ready for the event. It has been months since I've painted and there is no way I am going to launch a book less a show. I have been trying to get my Artist Mojo back but nothing seems to be working. At least i have the tube, at least there I can still use my creativity! The video that I have posted on Writers Block is supposed to show my present state of mind, I hope you all enjoy. Bless.. Proshka

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